Monica And Matt’s Barn Wedding In Marietta, New York

There’s something magical about a barn wedding. The open fields, golden sunlight streaming through the trees, and the lush greenery all come together to create a breathtaking backdrop for a love story. It’s the kind of setting that invites everyone to relax, celebrate, and simply enjoy the moment. When you add a couple as wonderful as Monica and Matt to the mix, it becomes even more special. Their barn wedding in Marietta, New York, was the perfect blend of rustic charm and heartfelt emotion. What made it even more unique was the fact that Monica’s family generously offered their property for this special occasion, making it a truly personal and intimate celebration. Monica and Matt’s journey to this day wasn’t without its challenges—like many couples, they had to postpone their wedding due to the pandemic, and life blessed them with a little bundle of joy in the meantime. But all of that only made their big day even more meaningful as they got to include their adorable son in the celebration. 

Monica And Matt’s Barn Wedding In Marietta, New York

As Monica and Matt’s big moment drew closer, the atmosphere was filled with a mixture of excitement and calmness. Monica, in her stunning wedding dress, radiated a serene beauty that was simply captivating. Her gown, a perfect blend of simplicity and elegance, flowed gracefully as she moved. The choice of a simple bouquet filled with peonies and white roses was an exquisite touch, adding a delicate softness that perfectly complemented her look. Standing by her side were her bridesmaids, all dressed in striking emerald green dresses, each holding a vibrant bouquet of tulips. The contrast of colors was brilliant, adding a burst of color to the wedding photos.

Monica and Matt chose to exchange their vows in an outdoor ceremony. The ceremony was held on Monica’s family’s property, a place filled with sentimental value and the perfect setting for their rustic wedding. The altar was a beautifully decorated wooden arch adorned with purple and white flowers that stood out against the lush green backdrop. Watching their son present with them as they exchanged vows was a reminder of how far they have come together and the beautiful future they have ahead of them. Matt, looking sharp in his suit, couldn’t take his eyes off Monica, and it was clear to everyone present that this was a moment they had long been waiting for.

After the ceremony, we moved into one of my favorite parts of any wedding—the couples portrait session. For Monica and Matt, this was a time to relax, enjoy each other’s company, and let their love shine through in the photos.

We found the perfect spot behind the barn, where the sunflowers painted on the backside of the barn created a stunning backdrop. The golden hour light added a warm, romantic glow to the images, making them even more dreamy. Monica and Matt were completely at ease, laughing and smiling as they embraced this new chapter in their lives. 

As the sun began to set, it was time for the reception. The barn, adorned with golden string lights and rustic decor, was the perfect setting for the evening’s festivities. Monica and Matt’s first dance as husband and wife was a highlight of the evening. The way they swayed together, lost in each other’s eyes, was a beautiful sight. The guests enjoyed a delicious meal, danced the night away, and celebrated this new chapter in Monica and Matt’s lives.

Celebrate Weddings With Alicia Pierce Photography

Monica and Matt, thank you for choosing me and trusting me as your wedding photographer. I loved every second of the celebration and was honored to be a part of your special day. I wish you guys a happy life together. Congratulations again!

If you are looking for an engagement, elopement, or wedding photographer, you can send me an email or contact me here, and I will get back to you. You can also head to my website for more details and check out more of my work on Instagram and Facebook.

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