First look, 5 Reasons Why A First Look Is A Must On Your Wedding Day

5 Reasons to do a First Look from a Syracuse Wedding Photographer.

Doing a first look is becoming more and more popular. Many couples are deciding to skip the tradition of not seeing each other until the ceremony. 

What is a first look you ask? It is pretty simple, a first look is a moment before the ceremony starts when you get to see your soon-to-be husband or wife. First looks have a lot of benefits. You may find that your wedding photographer highly suggests doing a first look

Here are 5 reasons why:

  • First Looks help ease wedding day nerves.
    It is only natural to feel nervous on your wedding day, after all, it is one of the biggest days of your life. What better way to ease some of your pre-ceremony nerves than being able to get some one-on-one time with your soon-to-be husband or wife?!

  • First looks mean you get to enjoy cocktail hour!
    Let’s be honest, cocktail hour is a GREAT time. You get to say hi to your loved ones, have some snacks before dinner, and have a drink or two. You are coming down from all of the nerves and want to relax a little before all of the formalities begin.

  • Your hair and makeup will be looking its best.
    A first look typically happens right before the ceremony, which is right after you are done getting ready. Your hair hasn’t had time to fall out and your makeup is still looking fresh. You are going to be 100% photo-ready.  

  • One-on-one time together.
    Wedding days are BUSY. Before you know it, the day is over. You celebrated with your friends and family. If you are lucky you finished your plate of food and had a little dessert. You get back to where you are staying for the night and realize you haven’t had anyone on one time with your HUSBAND, or WIFE. A first look gives you an inmate one-on-one moment between just the two of you, and the photographer. Don’t worry though, your photographer won’t be invasive. They’ll be too busy snapping away trying not to cry behind the camera. 

  • Doing a first look gives you time to greet your guests without doing a receiving line.
    Receiving lines are becoming a thing of the past. The idea behind them is great, don’t get me wrong, but they take up a chunk of time. On your wedding day, every minute counts. When you do a first look you have time to enjoy your cocktail hour and greet your guests in a way that feels more comfortable and natural. This gives you more time to celebrate during the reception!

There you have it! There are 5 reasons to help you decide if a first look is the right decision for you and your fiancé. Couples usually worry if it takes away from that special moment when the bride is about to walk down the aisle, but I promise you it doesn’t. If you decide that a first look isn’t the right decision for you that is okay!

bride and groom kissing with dog

Do you have any questions about doing a first look?! Be sure to contact me and I will gladly answer your questions.

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